Book Reviews

Drunk Mom

Drunk MomDrunk Mom by Jowita Bydlowska
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Had to read this for my last grad course. Apparently my prof is friends with the author. I think that makes it a conflict of interests to “teach” it in this course.

Almost 3 months ago I finished reading this book, since then we had countless discussions on it in my course and I even did a presentation on one of the chapters, which received positive feedback.
Yet, I am still torn about this book. On the one had, I am impressed and in awe of the author’s courage to share this dark time in her life with the public. On the other hand, I am deeply conflicted about what to think regarding her shared experiences.

More than once I was very clear about my opinion of the stories she shared. They bring about strong reactions from the reader, which is always a possibility when such dark subject matters are addressed.

But I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had judged the author; that I had condemned her and labelled her a drunk and that was the end it of it.

This memoir has not only forced me to question the blurred lines between the amount of detail an author should share, but it has also put me in a rather uncomfortable position to re-examine the role of the reader.

My main point of critique is the writing style. For all the details of her questionable behaviour she shares, the author adopts a rather impersonal writing style by keeping the reader at an arm’s length from her deeper, more private thoughts and emotions.

It is a contradiction that keeps battling it out throughout the entire book and makes for an interesting reading experience.

Overall, I am still very conflicted about this book. I cannot say if I would recommend it. It certainly makes for a complex study considering various points of view.