Creative Corner,  Travel Log - England

Entry 07 – London, cont’d

Another cigar shop and finally pizza.

We didn’t find the cigar shop we went looking for, but found a different one. The sale’s person was a man in his 30’s and was very good at his job. He was friendly, able to build a rapport with his customer and knew the Toronto Maple Leafs, but sadly not the Raptors. He played handball in Germany 15 years ago and had a wonderful British accent with a hint of eastern European in it. He wasn’t bad looking either.

My brother will finally get his pipe and some rather lovely smelling tabaco.

By the time we got out of the cigar shop we were both in dire need of some refreshments and I was to have my last cream tea before returning home.

By the way, except for the cream tea that Monday, I drastically reduced my sugar intake and my rash is clearing up nicely. Thank goodness.

We also finally had that pizza. Turns out the pizza restaurant in Leadenhall Market is never open on the weekend. My mom had two glasses of wine and then had a jolly good time walking back to the hotel and packing her suitcase.

Time flies so quickly when one has a wonderful time. We have already been in the air for a bit over three hours, my travel log is coming to an end and I still can’t believe how lucky we have been on this trip. Right now, we are all cozy and stretched out across a three-seater as no passenger claimed the aisle seat. The only thing is, I have to pee every hour, which is driving my mom slowly crazy.