Book Reviews


GothicGothic by Fred Botting
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Sections of this book were assigned reading for the Gothic Literature course that I just finished. I also decided to use it as a resource for my term paper, since it deals with the evolution of the Gothic genre throughout the years.
At first, I found this text to be extremely dry, disconnected and difficult to understand and I gave up on it for about 8-9 months. I hesitated picking it up again when I had to do my research for my term paper, but I realize that the reason for my initial struggles stemmed from the fact that the assigned reading happened to be various sections throughout different chapters without much context to give the student a foundation to build on. The second time around I began the text from the beginning and it made a lot more sense and was actually extremely informative, although there is still a lot of fact dumping done within a small amount of space.
Overall, it did the job satisfactorily.