Book Reviews,  The 100 stories that shaped the world

Jane Eyre

Jane EyreJane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Part of BBC’s “100 Stories that shaped the World” list, I thought it would be fun to keep track of all the works I have read that are listed.
I have read Jane Eyre twice. The first time was 11 years ago and required for my intro to English Literature undergraduate course and the second time about 7 years ago part of a little book club I have with my husband. I remember getting into this heated discussion with him about the characters etc. I’m not sure what conclusion we drew, but it felt more like a truce and an agreement to put a pin in the topic (I want to say I had a big chip on my shoulder about something and things just rubbed me the wrong way).
Anyway, I enjoyed the story a great deal more the second time around and I certainly prefer it over Wuthering Heights. I think what always got to me was the general downcast attitudes and moods presented in it. I’m well aware that was the point of the narration, but I always felt there was something missing to take this story from good to great.
Overall, writing this review had me go look for my old copy I kept from my undergrad years and I sadly realized that it may be somewhere hidden in the old house or it has finally been donated by a family member. Nevertheless, I would read it again at some point and would recommend it to anyone interested in immersing themselves in classic British literature (maybe reading it on a cold January day with a hot cup of tea).