Book Reviews

Jessica Jones: Alias, Vol. 1

Jessica Jones: Alias, Vol. 1Jessica Jones: Alias, Vol. 1 by Brian Michael Bendis
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I love the Netflix series Jessica Jones and decided to borrow this volume from my local library while waiting for the next season to come out.

Well, let me tell you: this was pretty awful. Why? You may ask. Let me count the ways:

The dialogue was horrendous. I know the writers tried to make it come across naturally and all, but every speech bubble contained many words repeated over and over again to signify stuttering or hesitation. It’s effective when used sparingly, but this just stopped any form of flow the dialogue could have and tested my patience beyond my limits.

The dialogue itself was also unnecessarily long, drawn out, boring and did everything in its power to make the reader lose track of the actual plot.

The representation of women in this comic was infuriating. I know that some artists take some creative liberties when drawing the female form, in this case I am not only referring to the art, but also the dialogue.

Women were represented as sexual objects, stuttering, hesitating, incapable of standing up for themselves; female curves exaggerated on top of that to really drive the point home that women are only something to do, something from which to obtain pleasure.

Overall, no thank you. I’ll wait for the next season to come out on Netflix and try really hard to forget about this graphic novel before I burst that big blue vein inside my head.