Book Reviews

Little One

Little OneLittle One by Timothy G. Huguenin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of Little One in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Gist

Little One by Timothy G. Huguenin is a suspenseful tale set in the remote mountains of West Virginia. The story follows Kelsea Stone, who inherits a secluded house from a grandmother she never knew. Seeking answers about her mysterious family history, Kelsea moves into the old house. But she finds herself drawn into a web of eerie occurrences and unsettling secrets.

The Details

Huguenin excels at creating an atmospheric setting. The isolated house, surrounded by thick woods and shadowy paths, adds a palpable sense of dread to the narrative. The author’s descriptive prose captures the eerie beauty of the Appalachian landscape. It adds to the setting as much a character as Kelsea herself. The novel’s pacing is steady, slowly building tension as Kelsea unravels the mysteries surrounding her inheritance.

However, the book doesn’t fully capitalize on its promising premise. While the atmosphere is well-crafted, the story sometimes falls into familiar tropes of the horror and mystery genres. The plot twists are predictable, and seasoned readers of suspense may see them coming long before they’re revealed. Additionally, the character development is somewhat lacking. Kelsea, while relatable in her quest for answers, doesn’t quite stand out as a memorable protagonist. Also, her emotional journey feels underexplored.

The Verdict

Overall, Little One offers a good, if not exceptional, reading experience. It’s a book that might appeal to fans of gothic horror and those who enjoy a slow-burn mystery set against an evocative backdrop. However, it doesn’t quite deliver the spine-tingling impact that could have elevated it from a solid read to a truly unforgettable one.