Book Reviews

Living with Mochi

Living With MochiLiving With Mochi by Gemma Gene
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Thank you NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for providing me with an ARC of Living with Mochi in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Gist

I wanted to make my way through the ever-growing to-read list I have waiting for me on NetGalley on a regular basis…so much for that, since I’m about 9 books behind my reading goal and it is only March. Lol

Anyway, as I was scrolling through the list, I came across Living with Mochi and thought this might be cute.

I have been in a funky mood for a while and reading funny little stories about a fluffy butt with personality might just do the trick.

The Details

Living with Mochi was absolutely delightful! The sketches, the stories, the dog’s personality. They all put a smile on my face and reminded me of my own little fluffy butt.

We used to have a pet rabbit, but, honestly, there isn’t much difference between a spoiled little pug and a spoiled bunny with floppy ears.

The more I think about it, the more I’m convinced that all fur babies have come to a universal agreement to make their human parents as smitten with them as possible.

As I said, the stories were delightful, and I could see so much of ourselves in those every-day adventures.

The sketches were very well done and the speech bubbles absolutely hilarious.

The Verdict

Overall, Living with Mochi put a smile on my face and make me miss my own fluffy butt so very much. It was comforting to read and gave me the small break from life’s chores for just a little while. I wish this could have been longer.

It would definitely recommend it.