Book Reviews


LoreLore by Alexandra Bracken
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Thank you NetGalley and Disney-Hyperion for providing me with an excerpt from the ARC of Lore in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Gist

I have been meaning to read one of Alexandra Bracken’s books ever since I found out how creepy The Darkest Minds is supposed to be. My little Wednesday Addams-like heart calms at any creepy, mysterious and/or murderous story. It relaxes me. I know, I’m weird.

I even bought the hardcover edition of Passenger, fully intending on reading that asap. But alas, it’s been on my bookshelf since 2016, looking very pretty indeed.

So, when I found out that Bracken wrote a book inspired by Greek mythology and the paranormal, I was determined to get my hands on a copy, like yesterday.

I’m fascinated by Greek mythology and always want to learn more about it, as the Greek mythology course I’m currently auditing can vouch for, although I haven’t made much progress lately.

Not long after I requested an ARC on NetGalley I received an email from the publisher, informing me that there has been some sort of mix up and that the book was not supposed to be available for request until at least August.

As a means to compensate for the wait, the publisher provided the first six chapters. One can request the ARC in its entirety next month.

This time, I barely wasted any time reading Bracken’s work.

The Details

The story starts very strong. We are thrown into a very lively scene, getting to know the protagonist straight away. I liked that.

Lore is tough. She is hurting. And is a little sarcastic, taking no one’s BS. Excellent. I’m totally on board with this.

I felt a little apprehensive and confused during the first three to four chapters. I liked being thrown into the middle of things, but it takes some patience as the explanations trickle in slowly to make them feel organic and not overwhelming.

By the end of chapter six, I was definitely ready to tear through this story in as little time as possible. The writing promised for an enjoyable and fast-paced read.

The Verdict

Overall, I will keep an eye on NetGalley to make sure I won’t miss requesting the full ARC of this story.

It is engaging, fun and gritty. Perfect to curl up with on the couch and forget about the world outside.