Book Reviews

Nanny Dearest

Nanny DearestNanny Dearest by Flora Collins
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of Nanny Dearest in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Gist

Nanny Dearest by Flora Collins is a novel that intrigued me from the start with its interesting premise. The idea of a psychological thriller revolving around a nanny’s dark secrets held a lot of potential. Unfortunately, while the book starts strong, it ultimately fails to deliver on its promise.

The Details

The story centers around Sue Keller, who reconnects with her childhood nanny, Anneliese, after her parents’ deaths. As Sue delves deeper into Anneliese’s past, she uncovers unsettling truths that threaten to upend her life. This setup is compelling, and the initial chapters are quite engaging. Collins does a commendable job of setting up an atmosphere of suspense and unease.

However, as the story progresses, the narrative begins to falter. One of the major issues is the pacing. The plot moves at a sluggish pace, and there are stretches where very little happens. This lack of momentum makes it difficult to stay invested in the characters and their fates.

Speaking of characters, they are another weak point of the book. Sue, the protagonist, is somewhat bland and lacks depth. Her motivations are not always clear, and her actions sometimes feel inconsistent. Anneliese, who should be a more intriguing and complex character, comes across as one-dimensional. Her backstory, which is supposed to add layers to her character, feels underdeveloped and fails to elicit the necessary emotional response.

The writing style is serviceable but not particularly memorable. There are moments of vivid description and insight, but these are few and far between. The dialogue often feels stilted and unnatural, which further detracts from the overall experience.

Additionally, the book’s resolution is disappointing. After a long buildup, the climax feels rushed and unsatisfying. The revelations about Anneliese’s past and her true intentions lack the impact needed to make the story memorable. Instead of leaving the reader with a sense of closure or shock, it ends on a rather flat note.

The Verdict

Overall, Nanny Dearest by Flora Collins is a book that had a lot of potential but ultimately did not live up to expectations. While it has a strong premise and a promising start, the slow pacing, underdeveloped characters, and lackluster writing make it a difficult read. Fans of psychological thrillers might find some elements to enjoy, but overall, it falls short of being a standout in the genre.