Book Reviews


NefertitiNefertiti by Michelle Moran
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Gist

OMG! Yup, usually I’m not an “OMG” type of reviewer, but I have to make an exception for Nefertiti.

I can’t believe it took me nine years to read this! It’s been on my to-read list ever since I started my book review journey on Goodreads. Every year I told myself I will read it and every year something came between.

I have loved everything that has to do with Ancient Egypt since I was in the third grade, so it is kind of beyond me why I never thought to make reading this book a priority.

Nefertiti had definitely earned a spot on my favourites book shelf.

The Details

As I already said, I love everything that has to do with Ancient Egypt. I find it so fascinating and mysterious. It probably stems from the fact that there is relatively little known about it and there are still so many secrets left to solve.

Moran was able to bring these legendary characters from so long ago to life. For the entirety of the story Nefertiti, Mutnodjmet and Akhenaten are alive, and full of personality. I’m able to imagine these characters as human beings, walking through palaces, breathing, scheming new ways to get more power and struggling with the challenges of life.

Nefertiti is so complex as a character. I really don’t know, if I should love or hate her. Having this person that lived thousands of years ago come alive again on the page brought her so much closer to me and made ancient Egypt so much more real.

One minute I am shaking with rage at what she had done. The next I’m wondering, if half of her actions are motivated by self-preservation.

I just love Mutnodjmet. Experiencing the story from her perspective is such a treat. It maintains the mystery around Nefertiti while at the same time giving the reader insight into palace life from a unique point of view.

The plot was simple: Nefertiti’s life. It keeps a steady pace and isn’t shy to unfold slowly.

The writing style is superb. Moran has skill and talent and I could read her writing all day long while getting neither tired nor bored.

The Verdict

Overall, Nefertiti is a story I wish I could read for the first time all over again. It is beautiful and compelling. It is engaging and an example of what true storytelling can be.