Book Reviews

Net Force: Dark Web

Net Force: Dark WebNet Force: Dark Web by Jerome Preisler
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of Net Force: Dark Web in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Gist

Net Force: Dark Web steers through the intricate world of cyber threats with intensity. I have never read a Net Force story before this one, and I have never been very interested in it, but the synopsis caught my attention.

The Details

The novel presents a gripping narrative, filled with the expected technological intricacies and fast-paced action that, I assume, fans of the series would appreciate and anticipate. The Net Force team faces challenges that reflect the evolving landscape of cyber warfare, and the characters remain a highlight, showcasing diverse skills and perspectives.

However, Dark Web occasionally falters in its balance between technical details and narrative progression. For readers less familiar with cybersecurity concepts, the novel can feel dense and at times overwhelming, impacting the overall engagement with the plot. The pacing, while generally brisk, can become bogged down by information dumps.

Character development, while present, doesn’t reach any great depth. Some protagonists feels more like archetypes than fully fleshed-out individuals. Their personal struggles lack emotional resonance.

The Verdict

Overall, Net Force: Dark Web offers an engaging techno-thriller experience. However, it might not fully satisfy both avid fans of the series and newcomers. While the narrative remains compelling, the balance between technicality and accessibility could be better managed.