Book Reviews

Nine Lives

Nine LivesNine Lives by Peter Swanson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of Nine Lives in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Gist

Nine Lives by Peter Swanson is a mystery thriller that follows nine strangers who each receive a cryptic list with their names on it. As the people on the list start dying one by one under suspicious circumstances, the survivors must uncover the connection between them and the sinister plot that threatens their lives. The story weaves through multiple perspectives, each adding a piece to the puzzle as the characters race against time to solve the mystery before it’s too late.

The Details

The concept of nine strangers receiving a death list is compelling and sets up an engaging mystery. This premise immediately grabs the reader’s attention and promises a thrilling ride.

Furthermore, Swanson introduces a variety of characters from different walks of life, each with their own backstory and secrets. This diversity adds richness to the narrative and keeps the reader invested in their fates.

Also, the novel maintains a sense of suspense throughout, with tension building as the characters are picked off one by one. Swanson’s pacing keeps the reader on edge, eager to find out who the next victim will be and how the mystery will unravel.

While the premise is intriguing, some plot twists and character connections are predictable. Seasoned mystery readers may find themselves anticipating key developments before they occur, reducing the overall impact of the reveals.

And despite the diverse cast, some characters lack depth and development. Their motivations and backstories are not always fully explored, making it harder for readers to form strong connections with them.

Also, the multiple perspectives and numerous characters can make the plot feel convoluted at times. Keeping track of each storyline and how they interconnect may require extra effort from the reader, potentially detracting from the enjoyment of the narrative.

The Verdict

Overall, Nine Lives by Peter Swanson offers an engaging and suspenseful mystery with a unique premise that draws readers in. The diverse cast and the tension-filled atmosphere are notable strengths, but the novel falls short with some predictable elements and underdeveloped characters. While it may not fully satisfy those seeking a deeply complex or unpredictable thriller, it provides an entertaining read for fans of the genre. Swanson’s ability to maintain suspense and deliver an intriguing story makes Nine Lives a solid, if not standout, addition to the mystery thriller bookshelf.