Book Reviews

Representing Women and Female Desire from Arcadia to Jane Eyre

Representing Women and Female Desire from Arcadia to Jane EyreRepresenting Women and Female Desire from Arcadia to Jane Eyre by Marea Mitchell
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Part of my ongoing research for my graduate thesis.

I’m really not quite sure what this was supposed to argue or communicate. I thought the summary was very misleading, since it says it will examine women and female desire from Arcadia to Jane Eyre not comparing other works of classical literature to Arcadia.

Most of the time I had no clue what was going on and noticed that the section focusing on Austen’s Pride & Prejudice talked more about Darcy and Bingley than truly committing to the concept of women and female desire.

The writing was all over the place, without any real focus. It was dry and boring and had no real substance.

It was quite difficult to find anything about Arcadia (this one is not the play by Tom Stoppard).

Overall, I’m still confused about this book. I have to give this one a pass.