• Book Reviews


    Schweigeminute by Siegfried Lenz My rating: 4 of 5 stars About a week ago my computer crashed; blue screen, sad-face emoji and everything (apparently Microsoft added a sad-face emoji to soften the blow or whatever). Once my little laptop regained consciousness, I had the great idea to start a new bookmark folder containing links to German TV channels. Recently I have been on a German TV and book trip again, after I realized that I have neglected those language skills long enough and a friend asked me to practice her German with me. It would only be fair to brush up to make sure that what I told her was…

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  • Book Reviews

    The Marquise of O-

    The Marquise of O– by Heinrich von Kleist My rating: 3 of 5 stars I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I read this story twice. Once during my advanced German literature reading course I took more than 10 years ago and then again for this purpose of this review. It is strange to say I enjoyed it, but I kind of did. It certainly leaves a lasting impression on the reader, as it did for me. I remember it so vividly, most likely because we discussed it in detail, but also because of the subtle approach the author took…

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  • Book Reviews

    Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo/ Station Zoo

    Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo by Christiane F. My rating: 5 of 5 stars I had to prepare a presentation on Bydlowska’s Drunk Mom in my creative non-fiction course and this book (titled Station Zoo in English) was mentioned by the author. I was curious about it, since growing up in Berlin I kept hearing it mentioned, yet I never knew what it was really about. Whatever somebody could have told me about it would not have been enough to caution me on the journey I was about to embark upon. The book resonated with me on a very personal note, because part of Christiane F.’s story took place in…

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