Last of Her Name by Jessica Khoury My rating: 5 of 5 stars I had this book from the library probably almost two months before I had a chance to read it (I had the option of renewing it many times; the overdue fines would have been outrageous). I was not emotionally prepared for the story. Ever since the weather turned a bit warmer, I have been in a mood to read stories similar to Kaufmann and Spooner’s series Starbound, but had trouble finding stories with good world building and worthwhile plots and characters. Well, this was pure gold. Even now almost three weeks after finishing the book, I’m still…
Wither by Amy MilesMy rating: 5 of 5 stars I received this ARC from Red Coat Publishing and the author in exchange for an honest review.Wow! And where can I get the second installment, if one exists? A post-apocalyptic, horror, creepy, sci-fi story that captures the reader’s attention and includes such depth is a rare find among books.The characters are complex, and the author keeps most of them shrouded in mystery, which adds to the eerie atmosphere surrounding this story. The main character is not the typical hero/anti-hero and shows a good range of strengths and weaknesses that make her believable and likeable in her own way.The plot is straight…