Book Reviews

Tarnished Empire (Dark Shores, #0.5)

Tarnished Empire (Dark Shores, #0.5)Tarnished Empire by Danielle L. Jensen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The Gist

After finishing Dark Skies I was in need of my next Dark Shores fix. How delighted was I when I found out that Tarnished Empire not only provided a closer look at Marcus’ character, but also happened to be a full-length novel and not just a novella. Hot dog!!

The Details

I appreciated the chance to get familiar with Marcus and some of his friends/legion brothers before the start of the main story. It provided much depth to his and the other characters and explains some of his choices.

I was totally smitten with Agrippa, couldn’t stand the senate and politicians.

The conflict and tension between those who fight and those who celebrate victories unjustly eliminates the romantic element that we so often see in these types of stories and shows the harsher side of legion life and all those who are indirectly involved in it.

The fighting, the scheming, the planning and sheer desire to survive made Tarnished Empire a gripping read.

The Verdict

Overall, as someone who has read most of Jensen’s books, I can tell that this series is very dear to her.

The amount of care and effort Jensen adds to each character, each chapter and each installment makes this series a great joy to read.

I would absolutely recommend Tarnished Empire.