Book Reviews

The Art of War

The Art of War: Sun Zi's Military MethodsThe Art of War: Sun Zi’s Military Methods by Sun Tzu
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I keep hearing this text casually mentioned here and there, so I was curious and requested it from my local library. It took about 4 months to become available. I was so busy with all my other readings that I totally forgot I had it. I ended up being that person to keep the book past due, because renewing it wasn’t available.

In the end, I had to come to the conclusion, that anything related to philosophy isn’t my thing. I ended up having a bad case of anxiety. I should have known from my experiences taking undergraduate philosophy courses, I always struggled to make sense of it, to put it mildly.

The edition I got from the library probably has more pages of introductory notes, explanations and appendixes than the actual part written by Sun Tzu.

Sun Tzu’s text was interesting enough, nothing ground-breaking and mostly military related. Obviously, since it was written for war preparation, but there were quite a few tidbits of philosophical advice that can be applied to everyday, 21st Century life.

Overall, I think it is worth a gander, partially because now my curiosity has been satisfied and partially because it does have some good philosophical ponderings. I would suggest it.