Book Reviews

The Georgian Gentleman

The Georgian GentlemanThe Georgian Gentleman by Michael Brander
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Part of my ongoing research in preparation for my graduate thesis.

Even though my research focuses on women in the Georgian era, I thought it might be beneficial to learn a bit about the male side of things as well. There might be useful information that could help me along the way during my analysis of Austen’s works.

Unfortunately, I had no such luck, which truthfully frustrated me. Actually, that is not quite true. There was one point the author makes that could help me with my argument. So, I should make sure I make a note of it before I forget about it, which happens a lot these days.

The book itself was well written and was very informative. It had a clear structure that took the reader from the birth of an infant boy all the way to the Georgian man’s death, explaining and describing each milestone and life chapter along the way.

Overall, there was certainly nothing wrong with the book, it just happened to focus on the man instead of the woman. I wish there existed the equivalent for the Georgian lady. It was still an interesting read and I would suggest it.