Book Reviews

The Stars Between Us

The Stars Between UsThe Stars Between Us by Cristin Terrill
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of The Stars Between Us in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Gist

The Stars Between Us by Cristin Terrill is a young adult science fiction novel that follows Vika Hale, a girl from the lower echelons of society living on a poverty-stricken planet. Vika’s life takes a drastic turn when she learns she is the heiress to a massive fortune left by a wealthy benefactor. As she is thrust into a world of luxury and intrigue, she must navigate a web of secrets and danger. Along the way, Vika discovers that the legacy left to her is intertwined with a mystery that could have far-reaching consequences for her world and beyond.

The Details

The idea of a young girl from a poor background suddenly inheriting a fortune and entering a world of high society is intriguing and sets the stage for a compelling story filled with mystery and drama.

Also, Terrill creates a richly detailed universe with distinct planets, societal structures, and technological advancements. The setting is immersive and adds depth to the narrative.

The novel explores themes of social inequality, power dynamics, and the impact of wealth on individuals and societies. These themes resonate well and add a layer of thoughtfulness to the story.

While Vika is a strong protagonist. I didn’t appreciate Vika’s sense of entitlement and how badly she treated others. Some secondary characters lack depth and development. Their motivations and backstories are not always fully explored, making them feel one-dimensional at times.

The novel’s pacing can be uneven, with certain sections dragging while others feel rushed. This inconsistency can disrupt the flow of the story and affect reader engagement.

Some plot twists and developments are foreseeable, which can diminish the overall sense of suspense and excitement. Experienced readers of the genre might find some aspects of the storyline predictable.

The Verdict

Overall, The Stars Between Us by Cristin Terrill is a solid entry into the young adult science fiction genre with an engaging premise and vivid world-building. The exploration of class and power dynamics adds depth to the narrative, and Vika’s journey from rags to riches is compelling. Terrill’s imaginative universe and thematic exploration make “The Stars Between Us” a worthwhile read, despite its flaws.