Book Reviews

The Things They’ve Taken

The Things They've TakenThe Things They’ve Taken by Katie McElhenney
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of The Things They’ve Taken in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Gist

The Things They’ve Taken by Katie McElhenney offers a unique blend of fantasy, adventure, and young adult drama. It follows the journey of Lo, a girl whose mother has been taken by a supernatural force. To rescue her, Lo teams up with a mysterious and brooding guide named Shaw. They venture into a strange and dangerous world filled with magical creatures and perilous challenges.

The Details

McElhenney’s world-building is one of the novel’s strengths. The otherworldly landscapes are vividly described, making it easy for readers to immerse themselves in the fantasy setting. The narrative is paced well, with plenty of action and suspense to keep the story moving forward. The premise of a rescue mission in a mystical realm is intriguing, and there are moments of genuine tension and excitement.

However, the novel is not without its flaws. While the plot is engaging, it sometimes feels formulaic, relying on well-worn tropes of the genre. The character development, particularly for the protagonist Lo, is somewhat lacking. Lo’s motivations are clear, but her growth throughout the story feels limited. Her relationship with Shaw, while central to the plot, lacks depth and nuance. The dialogue can also be stilted at times, which detracts from the overall emotional impact of the story.

The Verdict

Overall, The Things They’ve Taken is a solid read for fans of young adult fantasy, especially those who enjoy quest-driven narratives with a touch of romance. However, it doesn’t quite reach the heights of some of its contemporaries in the genre. It’s an enjoyable entry into the world of YA fantasy adventures.