Book Reviews

What Happened That Night

What Happened That NightWhat Happened That Night by Deanna Cameron
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of What Happened That Night in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The Gist

Deanna Cameron’s What Happened That Night is a compelling young adult thriller that delves into themes of trauma, family secrets, and the quest for truth. While the novel delivers an engaging and suspenseful narrative, it occasionally falters in character development and pacing, making it a solid but not exceptional read.

The Details

The story centres around Clara Porterfield, a teenager grappling with the aftermath of a traumatic night that changed her life forever. As she seeks to uncover the truth behind what happened, Clara navigates a web of secrets, lies, and complex relationships, slowly piecing together the events of that fateful night.

Clara, as the protagonist, is well-drawn and relatable. Her pain, confusion, and determination are palpable, making her a character readers can root for. However, the supporting characters, including Clara’s family members and friends, often feel underdeveloped. Their motivations and backgrounds are not explored in sufficient depth, which sometimes makes their actions and reactions seem superficial or predictable.

Cameron’s writing is clear and engaging, with a strong focus on Clara’s internal struggles and the tense atmosphere surrounding her sister’s death. The first-person narrative effectively conveys Clara’s emotions, drawing readers into her journey. However, the pacing can be uneven. The beginning of the novel sets up the mystery well, but the middle sections occasionally drag, and the resolution, while satisfying, feels somewhat rushed and lacks the impactful climax that the buildup promises.

The novel addresses significant themes such as the impact of trauma, the complexities of sibling relationships, and the search for truth and justice. Cameron handles these themes with sensitivity, particularly in depicting Clara’s emotional turmoil and her process of healing. However, the exploration of these themes sometimes takes a backseat to the unfolding mystery, which can feel formulaic at times.

One of the strengths of What Happened That Night is its ability to maintain suspense. Cameron skillfully plants clues and red herrings throughout the story, keeping readers guessing. The twists and turns are well-executed, even if some are predictable for seasoned mystery readers.

The Verdict

Overall, What Happened That Night by Deanna Cameron is a gripping young adult thriller that offers a poignant look at trauma and the search for truth. Its strengths lie in its engaging protagonist and suspenseful narrative. However, the novel’s impact is lessened by uneven pacing and underdeveloped supporting characters. It’s a good choice for fans of the genre looking for an emotional and suspenseful read, earning a respectable three stars for its efforts.