Book Reviews

50 Jahre Onkel Dagobert

50 Jahre Onkel Dagobert (Lustiges Taschenbuch, #236)50 Jahre Onkel Dagobert by Walt Disney Company
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

This is another volume I found among my mother’s old collection and decided to take home with me.

Considering its shiny gold cover and the title stating a celebration of 50 years of Uncle Scrooge comics, I should have remember reading this one a lot when I was younger, but I didn’t.

There weren’t many stories in this one, only 7 all together. Two of those were Mickey Mouse stories, but luckily, one of them was only a few pages long.

For volume #233 of this series, I said that most of the comics lacked depth. In this volume there were too many details. Each scene was shown, making for very long, drawn out stories that didn’t really go anywhere for most of it.

The Phantomias story that was included was a good one and is part of the Phantomias series, yet I’m not sure how it ties in with celebrating 50 years of Uncle Scrooge comics.

Overall, the title did not really match the theme of the collective stories included in this volume. I would have appreciated more Uncle Scrooge and less of everything else. It was an entertaining read, but not great.