Book Reviews


ChristabelChristabel by Samuel Taylor Coleridge
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was good. I mean this was really good. It was a great blend of horror, medieval, Gothic and the classic.
Part of my required reading list for my zombie/vampire course, Christabel was an intriguing story to read. Written in verse, it took a few stanzas to get used to the style, but it was worth it in the end.
A story filled with eerie descriptions, a spooky atmosphere, a seductress and an outcome I would not have suspected. In my accompanying course notes and commentaries, I read that the version we have now wasn’t even the complete narration and Coleridge meant to finish it, which obviously never happened. I think it is partially because of that unfinished element that makes this story even more spooky.
Overall, if you are able to look past the poetic nature of this narration, you will definitely be in for a treat.