Book Reviews

Deja Moo (Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum #3)

Deja Moo (Perfectly Proper Paranormal Museum #3)Deja Moo by Kirsten Weiss
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I received this ARC from Red Coat Publishing and the author in exchange for an honest review.
Before I begin this review, I should admit that I have not read the first or second part of this murder mystery series, therefore all of my impressions have been formed only by this third installment.
I found there were too many characters to keep track of to make for an interesting story. The main character felt slightly too confident and distant to allow for the reader to make a connection with her.
My greatest obstacle with this story was the amount of detail it contained. I noticed that by page 50 the story had not progressed any further than halfway through the first day after it began, with so many descriptions that felt like deliberate red herrings to throw the reader off suspecting the murderer too soon.
Overall, I felt that for a murder mystery the story moved too slow with too much external noise that distracted from the main focus: solving the murder. I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but I just could not enjoy it as much as I hoped I would. I might suggest the first installment to a reader looking for a cozy murder mystery.