Book Reviews

Gold Rush Deluge by Suzanne Lilly

Gold Rush Deluge (The California Argonauts, #2)Gold Rush Deluge by Suzanne Lilly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I was very glad that the story continued where it ended in the first book, I wholeheartedly appreciate stories told in series form that do not include great time gaps, flashbacks or require the reader to assume certain outcomes.
The story moved along swiftly, without any unnecessary tangents that distract from the main plot that was good enough to carry the story and characters from the beginning until the end.
The characters were consistent from the first to the second installment of this story; however, I was delighted to observe growth and maturation in the protagonist’s character.
I loved the splash of intrigue and mystery that the author decided to include in this installment and was impressed by her creation of a volatile character that seemed so real.
Overall, I felt that the author was more comfortable with the story and characters in this installment, since she already possessed a good feel for the personality traits and nature of character.
This story was a great sequel and I would recommend it to anyone, who enjoyed the first story as well as those, who enjoy mystery, romance and adventure.

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