Send Me Their Souls by Sara Wolf
My rating: 2 of 5 stars
The Gist
Finally! I got my hands on a copy of Wolf’s latest in her Bring Me Their Hearts trilogy, Send Me Their Souls. So long I have waited to finally find out what happens to Zera and company!
I was excited and happy and a little giddy to get all cozy on the couch and be transported back to this wonderful fantasy story.
The Details
Well, I’m not sure how to say this. I’m kind of sitting here shrugging my shoulders and one word keeps coming to mind: “meh”.
I read other reviews just to see, if I was alone with me “meh” opinion and one concept kept coming up. Quite a few readers mentioned that this one had a very strong traveling trope feel to it.
The group goes from one destination to another. Each one poses a challenge that gets brushed over or taken care of “off-screen” so to speak.
There was a lot of talk, detailed descriptions that at this point weren’t all that necessary. Mostly, there was a lot of telling, instead of showing.
It took the fun out of reading. Each chapter I hoped something would finally be done, but it kept on dragging and my interest began to fade.
The story really lagged. The fast pace I was used to from the previous two installments was gone.
The Verdict
Overall, I had hoped for a little bit more “umph”. A little more excitement. But it wasn’t there.
I’m torn what to think of it.