• Book Reviews

    Biss zum Morgen (Lustiges Taschenbuch, #473)

    Biss zum Morgen by Walt Disney Company My rating: 1 of 5 stars I am very partial to good, spooky stories. I love reading them all snuggled up and having a good little scare. So, naturally, I was excited when I came across this edition of Lustiges Taschenbuch; the title and cover art looked so promising. I don’t think I have experienced a greater case of false advertisement than with this comic book. I admit, the first story, Biss zum Morgen, was somewhat spooky and included elements of the horror genre I have seen in previous Disney comics, but the rest of the stories just fell flat, really flat. They…

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  • Book Reviews

    Once Upon a River

    Once Upon a River by Diane Setterfield My rating: 1 of 5 stars I think this was one of the most anticipated books of 2019 for me and what a let down it turned out to be. I waited months for this story to become available at my local library; that’s how in demand it is. When I finally held it in my hands all I could think was “tis mine now!” and I took it with me on my trip to the UK. That’s right. I lugged a book halfway across the world on top of buying a whole bunch of books on my trip for research purposes. And…

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  • Book Reviews

    Drunk Mom

    Drunk Mom by Jowita Bydlowska My rating: 2 of 5 stars Had to read this for my last grad course. Apparently my prof is friends with the author. I think that makes it a conflict of interests to “teach” it in this course. Almost 3 months ago I finished reading this book, since then we had countless discussions on it in my course and I even did a presentation on one of the chapters, which received positive feedback. Yet, I am still torn about this book. On the one had, I am impressed and in awe of the author’s courage to share this dark time in her life with the…

  • Book Reviews

    The First 100 Kisses

    The First 100 Kisses by Danielle Bannister My rating: 5 of 5 stars I received this ARC from Red Coat Publishing and the authors in exchange for an honest review. I had been a bit behind in my reading and schoolwork and made a little schedule that would allow me to read and do homework yesterday to give me the illusion to at least feel a tiny bit accomplished and less stressed out. I had it all planned out: go to the coffee shop, get myself a cappuccino, read for an hour, go home, have lunch and then start on my homework. It was a good plan, which I intended…

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